Participación del docente Cristian Cruz en el COBAL V, CIMAT, México. Departamento de Estadística, Escuela de Matemática


El Congreso Bayesiano de América Latina (COBAL) es un evento de carácter internacional impulsado por la International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA), cuya importancia en nuestra región radica en abrir un espacio que permita la divulgación, discusión e interacción entre investigadores, académicos y estudiantes, con el objetivo de fortalecer aun más el intercambio científico entre los Bayesianos Latinoamericanos. Las ediciones anteriores se han realizado en: Ubatuba, Brasil (2002), Los Cabos, México (2005), Pucón, Chile (2011) y Medellín, Colombia (2015).

Organización, Comité Científico

• Rosangela Helena Loschi (Presidenta, UFMG, Brasil) 

• Eduardo Gutierrez Pena (IIMAS, México) 

• Manuel Mendoza Ramirez (ITAM, México) 

• Maria Eglee Perez Hernandez (UPR, EUA) 

• Alejandro Jara (PUC, Chile)

• Luis Gutierrez Inostroza (U. de Chile)

• Andres Christen (CIMAT, México) 

Comité Local 

• Andres Christen (Presidente, CIMAT, México) 

• Leticia Ramirez Ramirez (CIMAT, México) 

Patrocinadores: CIMAT, Google.



Presentación del poster: DSGE with Non Structure Variance


In this paper, we develop full Bayesian inference for a rich class of DSGE models (Dynamics Stochastic General Equilibrium). It is well known that any DSGE model after being log-linearized could be written as a state space model with Gaussian shocks in the state equation, in this context we propose a mixture of normal-gamma to obtain a correlated Student-t distribution and a novel approach that generalize the multivariate Student-t distribution. A simulation study is presented; the methodologies are applied to real data and is compared with the traditional approach.

Conferencias asistidas:

  1. Métodos Computacionales En Estadística Bayesiana, Andrew Christen
  2. A Population-finding Design with Covariate-dependent Random Partitions, Peter Muller
  3. Goodness of Fit of Approximated Bayesian Computation Models, Stefano Cabras
  4. Una Historia Subjetiva de la Inferencia Estadística Bayesiana, Miguel Angel Gomez
  5. Modelling the Kurtosis of Spatio-temporal Processes, Thais Fonseca
  6. Un Proceso Harris a Tiempo Continuo para Modelar la Volatilidad Estocástica, Michelle Anzarut
  7. A Beta Inflated Mean Regression Model with Mixed Effects for Fractional Response Variables, Cristian Bayes
  8. Itemwise Conditionally Independent Nonresponse Modeling for Incomplete Multivariate Data, Mauricio Sadinle
  9. Boostrap Bayesiano para Datos Masivos, Andrés Barrientos
  10. Nonparametric Models, Random Partitions, and Their Applications in Clustering Problems, Asael Martinez
  11. A Bayesian Nonparametric Dynamic Ar Model for Multiple Time Series Analysis, Luis Enrique Nieto
  12. : A Joint Dynamic Hierarchical Multi-State Model, Pamela Chiroque
  13. Bayesian Analysis of Niche Overlap in Ecology, Eduardo Gutierrez
  14. Bayesian Inference on Group Differences in Multivariate Categorical Data, Massimiliano Russo
  15. A Random Censoring Poisson Model for Underreported Data, Guilherme Oliveira
  16. Bayesian Matching Test, Ignacio Vidal
  17. Predictive Value-at-risk and Expected Shortfall Portfolio Selection, Juan Carlos Martinez
  18. A Flexible Class of Covariance Functions for Multivariate Spatial Processes, Rafael Erbisti
  19. Extended Dynamic Generalized Linear Models: the Two-parameter Exponential Family, Joao Pereira
  20. The Matrix-variate F Prior for Estimating and Testing Covariance Matrices, Luis Pericchi
  21. A Bayesian Tajima Coalescent Model, Julia Palacios
  22. Spatial Confounding in Hierarchical Models, Alexandra Schmidt
  23. Estadística Bayesiana No Paramétrica: Teoría y Aplicaciones, Ramses Mena

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